New Year’s Eve: A Night For Celebration

New Years Eve. A night for celebration. Here is what I’m celebrating tonight:

•That my mom is still alive, after a sudden onset mystery illness last Friday night and a very rapid decline

•That she’s in good hands in the ICU and the five different specialists involved in her care are all working hard to find out what is wrong with her

•That my husband had already planned to be off work this week so I could fly home to be with her, my dad, and my brother

•That even though my body has the aches and pains of travel, long hospital days and stress, my debilitating back pain I used to experience is gone allowing me to be here to help as needed

How will I celebrate? By sharing this with all of you, because I fully believe in the power of prayer, good thoughts, positive vibes, whatever you got. And by giving my body (and mind) the rest that they need. Cheers.

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