Newsflash: You Can Complain About Your Kids And Still Live A Happy Life

Someone commented on my Instagram post the other day asking if I was ever happy. I don’t usually focus on those types of comments because 1) they usually say more about the person commenting than about me 2) I don’t really care what other people think of me and 3) Often times comments like that are just made to stir the pot/get a response.


I could tell you I’m happy for all of the generic reasons: I have two (relatively) healthy kids, a caring husband, a nice house blah blah blah. But I wanted to share the things that have truly made me happy in the past week because I like to keep things real.


1) Seriously I’m so happy because my severely constipated kid has pooped four times this week. We saw a peds GI doc a couple weeks ago and I finally feel like we have a good plan to address his constipation. This makes me happy for two reasons: my kid is so much happier when he is pooping regularly and if we can finally get him to poop regularly then we can officially start potty training!


2) My 3 yo asking me to dance with him around the house at 7 am


3) Making silly videos outside with my kids because they truly think they’re going to be on TV and then watching said videos with them and hearing their hysterical laughter.


4) A pediatrician that is taking my older son’s symptoms seriously. This kid hasn’t been himself and is on his third antibiotic in 3 weeks and now steroids too to kick whatever this superinfection is.


5) The look of excitement on my kids face when my husband returned from his business trip with “chocolate desert rocks” and a toy airplane.


6) My kids leaving me the fuck alone long enough for me to shower and have some self care for the first time in 3 days.


7) Connecting with other moms who have “been there” and who totally get where I’m coming from with my challenging child

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