10 Ways To Stay Busy During Coronavirus Social Distancing

10 Ways To Stay Busy During Social Distancing

To be perfectly honest, I don’t know what to think about this Coronavirus pandemic we are currently experiencing. A big part of me honestly HATES the fear mongering and panic that has set in in our country, but another part of me can see why people are concerned. My own mom is elderly AND immunocompromised and to say I’m not slightly worried about her would be an understatement.

And my heart goes out to the thousands if not millions of Americans who will be financially impacted by the cancelling of various events and seasons, as well as business and restaurant owners who will likely be negatively effected as well. But if you’re like the majority of moms reading this blog, then you are wondering “What in the ever loving F%^* am I supposed to do with my kids and myself while we are quarantined over the next several weeks?!” Well, I have some answers for you. Read on!

1. Enjoy Open Spaces!
Thankfully it’s not super freezing outside where most of us live, so bundle up and take the kids to some wide open parks or nature areas. Fly a Kite, play tag, roll down a hill, play catch. The fresh air and exercise will help you feel better about everything. I promise.

2. Be Part Of The Coronababies Movement
Okay, so there is no such thing, yet….but there will be. Enjoy the downtime with your spouse and if you’re considering have another child, take this as a sign from the universe that the time is right. Plus you’ll have a good story to tell to embarrass your future Coronababy when they’re a teenager.

3. Take Some Deep Breaths
It’s no secret I get annoyed by the overreaction or fear mongering that is happening both online and in person, however I have to take a step back and remember that likely the people who are the most anxious about Coronavirus (elderly and immunocompromised aside), likely struggle with some degree of anxiety. I myself struggle with anxiety and take Zoloft and see a counselor, fortunately this is something that does not make me anxious. But I can totally understand the effect that it may have on others. Regardless of your stance, deep breathing is something that can help all of us. Even if it’s just 4-5 deep breaths per day, it will help.

4. Go On A Hike
Similar to open spaces, going on a hike at a nature preserve or forest is going to help with any anxiety or fear you may be experiencing. Plus it’s a great opportunity to teach your kids about nature and experience some unplugged time together as a family.

I cannot stress this one enough! Even though my therapist often tells me that I use humor to deflect from my traumas, I see it as a strong personality trait. Not only for myself, but for others too! Follow along on Instagram here to laugh or at least smile at the ridiculousness that is my life along with others that I frequently post.

6. Shop online!
I’ll be honest, I have no idea what is going to happen with shipping and delivery services, but I know that at the time of writing this article, the USPS plans to remain operating. You can check out a fantastic list of Mother’s Day gifts (all available on Amazon) here if you are feeling like treating yourself or looking for a gift for your own mother. And Father’s Day will be here before you know it too! Click here to check out a post on some of the best Father’s Day shirts available on Amazon! No harm in adding to your cart or saving for later!

Mothers Day Gifts That Will Make Her Cry
The best and easiest mom approved mother’s day gifts for mom!
The 10 Best Fathers Day Shirts
The 10 Best Fathers Day Gifts

7. Meal Plan
Okay this isn’t necessarily a “fun” activity (unless you’re an organization freak like me and enjoy doing these nerdy things), but it can be a great distraction to take your mind off of things. Go through your pantry and freezer and make a list of everything you have. You’ll probably have a few ideas of meals just from doing this. Write them down on a calendar or even on a piece of paper. From there you can search Pinterest for recipe ideas based on what you already have. You can also check out my Menu Planning board on Pinterest for free printables for menu planning and meal prep. And finally, if you want to take it a step further, and stay organized with meal planning all the time, you can purchase a meal planner that I designed directly from Amazon here. I know that having the question of “What Am I Going To Make For Dinner” off my mental load helps me feel tremendously less stressed throughout the day.

8. Journal
Use this extra time as a chance for self reflection. Journaling is always on my To Do list and I have done it off and on over the past 10 years or so. I strive to be more consistent with it because I find that it gives me a lot of clarity. And it’s a good release too for getting things off of my chest or out of my mind. Depending on your mood and/or intentions for journaling, here are a couple of different options for you, all super affordable and available on Amazon.

9. Go For A Walk
Take the dog for a walk around the block. No dog? Put your kids on the leash instead. KIDDING! Even if it’s just a short walk (although with toddler size legs a brief walk around the block could turn into an hour long ordeal), getting some fresh air and exercise will again only help.

10. Pull Out Old Toys
You know how whenever you pull out a bunch of old toys that the kids never play with anymore (likely to donate or throw them away), then all of the sudden they CANNOT live without that dinosaur with the missing tail or the LOL surprise doll that they haven’t touched since they opened it? Use this strategy to your advantage and let your kids rediscover old toys to keep them occupied while you enjoy a cup of hot coffee and hopefully a few minutes of peace.

Disclaimer: Mom.Wine.Repeat earns a small percentage from each sale and earns a small commission from Amazon for any items purchased through the above link at no cost to you!

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